P. O. Box 128
Cornersville, TN 37047
Phone: (931) 293-4482
Fax: (931) 293-4713
Town Email Address:
Governing Body
Meets: 1st Thursday
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: Town Hall

Office Hours
Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Municipal Data
Municipal Court: Yes
2013 Population (Certified by TNECD): 1,194
Election Date: 11/08/2016
# of Employees: 4

Department Officials Contact Information
Town Mayor
Melisa Peters
131 April Lane (37047)
(931) 293-4482

Town Hall
Scotty Brock, Town Administrator
118 S. Main Street
(931) 293-4482

Fire Chief
Josh Young

Police Chief
Mark Chandler

Town Hall
Scotty Brock – Town Administrator
Fire Chief – Josh Young
Assistant Fire Chief – Anthony Rowe
Police Chief – Mark Chandler

Town Attorney
Billy Ostermann
111 1st Avenue S., Suite 2
(931) 246-9780

City Judge
David McKenzie

Public Works
Scott Stiles 118 S. Main Street
(931) 293-4482

Street Superintendent
Scott Stiles

Town Administrator/Town Recorder
Scotty Brock

Jimmy Wolaver,Brenda Hasting , Doris Arthur, Sheryl McClintock, Mary Johnson

Cornersville is located in the southwest corner of Marshall County. A beautiful backdrop of hills and ridges encircles the seven square miles of the town. Main Street is lined with historic homes and buildings which add to the small town charm of this quaint community.
The town boasts a population of 1,048 people. Cornersville is 60 miles south of Nashville, 50 miles north of Huntsville, Alabama and is accessible to Interstate 65 from exits 27 and 22.
An elected mayor and five aldermen govern the town. Water and sewer are available to most residents as is garbage pickup, police protection, and a volunteer fire department. The children and young people of the community are served by two schools: Cornersville Elementary School for grades K-6 and Conersville High School for grades 7-12.
The Marshall County Ambulance Service's South Station and Cornersville Fire Station are located at 410 South Main Street.
In June 2007, the residents of Cornersville came together to celebrate the 200th birthday of their settlement. As a result of this celebration, a comprehensive history with many beautiful photographs has been written by Town Recorder Scotty Brock. These history books are for sale for only $20.00.
Cornersville History
Cornersville was originally setted in 1807 by John Haynes. Soon after, William Henderson and others began to move into the area. In 1827, the town was surveyed and plotted by Sam Bigham and was named "Marathon". On January 7, 1830, the town was incorporated and the name changed to Cornersville in recognition of its location near the point where the boundary lines of Giles, Maury, Bedford and Lincoln Counties cornered. Cornersville was initially in Giles County, but in 1870 the state legislature changed this with a formal petition.
Department Official Contact
  • Melisa Peter, Mayor
  • Sherry McClintock, Vice Mayor
  • Doris Arthur, Alderman
  • Mary Johnson, Alderman
  • Jimmy Wolaver, Alderman
  • Brenda Hasting, Alderman

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